Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sellwood Bridge Construction (Slideshow 9)

On January 19, 2013, Multnomah County (Oregon), the Slayden/Sundt Joint Venture, and Omega Morgan completed a historic task in moving the 1100-foot long, 88-year-old Sellwood Bridge truss northward along a curved path, onto new piers, to become a temporary bridge.  Maybe you saw it on TV or read about it in the local newspaper, or maybe you wandered over to Sellwood that day and saw the event yourself - so with  Slideshow #9 I tried to cover some angles that might not have been as widely presented, and I tried to go into more technical detail, to show something you might not have seen.  To view Slideshow #9, click on this link.

Kudos to everyone who worked around the clock during the week that the Sellwood Bridge was closed, moved and re-opened in a new location.