Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sellwood Bridge Construction (Slideshow 5)

Things started to get really busy again at the Sellwood Bridge during June, as you'll see in Slideshow 5, viewable on YouTube at this link.  It's interesting to think of how much of the work will not be visible once the whole project is finished: a significant amount of work is being done underground to stabilize the land on which the bridge (and connections to nearby roadways) will be built.  Evidently this would have to be done even if the bridge had been built up- or down-river of its present location.  Another interesting thing to realize, when you go across the old bridge, is that people are working on narrow plywood platforms just below the road surface.  You can see the work platforms near the tops of the existing bridge piers, where crews are drilling holes through the piers - watch the slideshow to find out why!